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Dear user, do you know whot is cardsharing ? That is the saring. If you are on this page, that meant either you know what is cardsharing, or you desided to know how to econom your money.

Whoewer you are, every evening coming houme you are sitting down in your favourite armchair and switching on your favourite channel. If it is sports, news, films, serials, scientific programms, erotics, you are in you own world of relax. Now you dont need to spend a lot of money for each card of different satellite operators. Sharing will help you to solve this problem.

Whot is high-quality cardsharing? This is an opportunity to watch a great number of sattellite channels on reasonable price

Cardshring news:

Subscribe on sharing RSS news, and be stream of new shares and bonuses on our service.

Happy New Year 2024


CardShara.TV Administration wishes all a Happy New Year and as a gift gives to all users a free 30-days viewing. All active packets from all users, which will be active at 23:59 on the night of December 31 to January 1, will automatically be extended an additional 30 days.

Adding of Tring Digital packet

A new Albanian saharing package Tring Digital have started. Broadcast is doing from the satellite Eutelsat 16A. This operator is broadcasting the English Premier League.
The price of VIP packet did not change.
Enjoy your viewing.

Adding of Digital+ packet


Dear subscribers. We are glad to announce about adding of a new Spanish sharing packet Digital +.The position of the satellite Astra 1KR 19.2 E. This packet has a lot of sports and movie channels in Full HD quality, such as channels: Canal + Liga, Canal + Fútbol, Canal + Golf and others.Watch the best football games in HD Champions League and UEFA football matches in Spain.
Enjoy your view !!!

Happy New Year 2012


CardShara.TV Administration wishes all a Happy New Year and as a gift gives to all users a free 7-day viewing. All active packets from all users, which will be active at 23:59 on the night of December 31 to January 1, will automatically be extended an additional 5 days. Renewal packets will be done the 1st or 2nd.

The planned transition to a new IDENT: 040600 NTV+ packet


Dear subscribers. On November 1, 2011, in connection with the transition to a new IDENT: 040 600 NTV+ package will be disabled and old IDENT 023 700 decommissioned.

Changing the parameters of the equipment can start right now, that would have no problems with viewing in November.

Al subscribers who have receivers work through a program of MPCS (OSCAM), as well as through CAMBridge, LanComBox or DVB cards need to reconfigure the equipment to IDENT 040 600.

For satellite receivers, running on to Linux, you should check the file ignore.list. This file should not be registered IDENT 040 600, if it is registered, you must delete the line with the identification of 040 600 file ignore.list.

For users whose receivers (globo, opticum), which independently determine the ident, change the settings is not necessary.

Stay with us. Enjoy your viewing.

Adding of Cardsharing packet "TRK Football +"


Dear subscribers. We are pleased to announce that now everyone who subscribed to the TRK was added a new channel, "TRK Football+". Broadcasting of matches of the European championships, the Ukrainian Premier League European and Ukrainian club competitions, games, teams are now more affordable, thanks to Sharing. European and Ukrainian club competitions, games, teams are now more affordable,thanks to Sharing.
Stay in the plus! The price unchanged.Stay with us !!!

"Kinoreys 5" NTV-PLUS starts on our server.

Dear subscribers. We are pleased to announce that "Kinoreys 5" NTV-Plus will start on our server. Watch your favorite movies in high quality and sound even more. On April 22, 2011 the first film of the new "Kinoreys 5" becomes "King says!" Genre: Drama, Historical, Biographical film and comedy. Price is not changed. Stay with us.
The parameters of broadcasting: Eutelsat W4/W7 at 36.0 ° E: 11974,82 MHz V (DVB-S, SR 27500, FEC 3 / 4)

Starting of a new sharing packet Digi TV 0.8E (Hungary)


A new Hungarian sharing packet Digi TV 0.8E started (Hungary). Pleasant viewing, dear subscribers.

A new sharing packet Greek NOVA was added


Added a new sharing packet Greek NOVA. Pleasant viewing, dear subscribers.

New Sharing packet Ricord TV was added


A new Sharing packet Ricord TV added. Pleasant viewing, dear subscribers.

Happy New Year 2011


CardShara.TV Administration wishes all a Happy New Year and as a gift gives to all users a free 5-day viewing. All active packets from all users, which will be active at 23:59 on the night of December 31 to January 1, will automatically be extended an additional 5 days. Renewal packets will be done the 1st or 2nd.

Starting of new sharing packet Hello HD 9E


Started a new Hungarian sharing packet Hello HD. Pleasant viewing, dear subscribers.

Good news for residents from Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Sharing packet SkyLink HD (23.5E) is available now.


Autumn gift for the residents of Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Сardsharing package SkyLink HD 23.5E was added. The packet has 9 channels in HD and more than 50 in SD. Cost of the sharing packcet SkyLink HD is available on page package SkyLink HD
Pleasant viewing, dear viewers.

Welcome to the exciting world of Penthouse HD


A sharing packet Penthouse HD started in test mode. With which packets it combined, you can found in the billing panel. Prices, however, remains unchanged. Have a nice view, dear viewers.

Combining of Sharing packages UPS DIRECT THOR 0.8E Service SEC Football and SEC Ukraine


Summer is over but we do not relax, we are working, and we hope you appreciate our work . We decided to combine the package UPC DIREC THOR 0.8E and TRK Ukraine and football. Dear viewers could watch your favorite football games, not only for Hungarian TV channels and the channels of Ukrainian origin.

Price, however, remains the same: 4$ per month!
Pleasant watching, dear viewers.

Permanent partnership program "Bring a Friend"


Attracting users to the partnership link, you'll receive 10% of completions users. This will allow you not only to watch favorite channels free , but also earn bonuses on your purse WebMoney.
Terms of collaboration :
You give to friends, acquaintances or friends (you can publish information on relevant topics in the forums) people link for registration in our service (the link you can get in the "My Profile" billing). If a user goes to our site on your link , and then sign up, it becomes yours. Thus, when users fill up their own account, you will get bonus on your account 10% from the amount of recharge.
The money from the bonus account you can transfer your personal balance in the billing or display for WMZ purse. SHARE is already possible. The user thus has to be assigned to you. Statistics and management of bonuses soon will be available in the billing system.

New campaign HOT SUMMER. Update more - receive more


Dear customers.
This summer, adding to the expense, you will get more money for the balance.

So you can get an additional 50 USD as a bonus, depending on your replenishment amount:

15 USD and more - receive +5 USD extra
20 USD and more - receive +8 USD extra
25 USD and more - receive +13 USD extra
15 USD and more - receive +5 USD extra
30 USD and more - receive +18 USD extra
35 USD and more - receive +25 USD extra
45 USD and more - receive +41 USD extra
50 USD and more - receive +50 USD extra

The promotion is valid for the whole summer.

Pleasant watching!!!

The action has been completed (finished)

Starting of a new packet Sky UK 28

Today started up a new packet Sky UK `28. Ident 0963:000000.
Happy viewing.

A new service for accepting payments INTERKASSA is activated

Dear customers. We launched a new service for accepting payments - INTERKASSA.
Now, in addition Webmoney you can instantly update your account through such new systems as Privat24, Wallet, through its terminals in Russia and Ukraine, and others ..

Activation of Cardsharing pakets

Attention, our dear customers! We have a good news for you.We introduce an ativation of new users and new packets every 10 minutes.
Pleasant watching.

Enter to billing

Filling ballance on
15$ you will receive 20$
20$ you will receive 28$
25$ you will receive 38$
30$ you will receive 48$
35$ you will receive 60$
40$ you will receive 72$
45$ you will receive 86$
50$ you will receive 100$

Copyright © 2009 - 2025 CardShara.TV :: Stable sharing, reasonable price